Article 00G

Canadian Pre-1920 Motorized Ambulances

(Military ambulances not included)

There were numerous claims of "first motorized ambulance". These claims often were regional in nature and were made without knowing what was going on elsewhere in the country.

1909 Vancouver, British Columbia
Police Dept.'s Pope-Hartford ambulance involved in fatality

1909 Montreal, Quebec
Royal Victoria Hospital's ambulance

1910 Edmonton, Alberta
A. A. Campbell Funeral Home ambulance

1910 Peterborough, Ontario
Someone had a Fitzsimmonds McLaughlin ambulance

1911 Calgary, Alberta
Graham & Buscombe Undertaker's Crane & Breed ambulance

1911 Winnipeg, Manitoba
Winnipeg General Hospital purchased an electric ambulance from T. Eaton's Company

1911 Toronto, Ontario
A. W. Miles Funeral Home's Chalmers ambulance

1912 Lethbridge, Alberta
Galt Hospital's Ford ambulance

1912 Montreal, Quebec
Montreal General Hospital's ambulance

1913 Vancouver, British Columbia
T. J. Kearney Funeral Home's Marmon ambulance

1913 Calgary, Alberta
Alpha M. Shaver Funeral Home's White ambulance

1913 Edmonton, Alberta
Connelly & McKinley Funeral Home's Seaman Cadillac

1913 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
W. A. Edwards Funeral Home's Seaman Cadillac

1913 Toronto, Ontario
Toronto General Hospital's ambulance donated by Agnes Shields

1913 Toronto, Ontario
Toronto Police had an ambulance

1914 Edmonton, Alberta
Bowker & Millard Funeral Home's Seaman Cadillac

1914 Edmonton, Alberta
Taylor Funeral Home's Seaman Winton ambulance

1914 Regina, Saskatchewan
Speers Funeral Home had a Seaman Cadillac

1914 Toronto, Ontario
Toronto General Hospital's Russell-Knight ambulance donated by John Eaton

1915 Winnipeg, Manitoba
Thomson Funeral Home's White ambulance

1915 Toronto, Ontario
Department of Public Health had a Russell ambulance

1915 Montreal, Quebec
Montreal General Hospital had a Crane & Breed Winton ambulance

1917 Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
A local undertaker had a motorized ambulance

1917 Montreal, Quebec
Notre Dame Hospital had a motorized ambulance

1918 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
McKague's Funeral Home ambulance

1918 Kitchener, Ontario
Kitchener - Waterloo Hospital's McLaughlin-Buick

1919 - Ottawa Civic Hospital put a motorized Infectious disease ambulance into service